Operation of the health care system contributes to greenhouse gas (GHG) production through various causes such as waste production, energy usage, direct emissions of inhaled anesthetic gases, and supply chain procurement of resources1. The health care sector is among the least green sectors and is one of Canada’s largest contributors to GHG emissions (5.1% of annual GHG emissions)2 posing risks to human health3.
The Department of Family Medicine is working with PEACH Health Ontario (Partnerships for Environmental Action by Clinicians and communities for Hospitals/health care facilities) to strengthen and expand PEACH’s mission of cultivating and sustaining partnerships across the health care system in Ontario to support climate action.
Current Projects
Supply Chain Learn More
Health care supply chains are the largest contributors to GHG emissions in the health system – estimated to be over 60% of the GHG emissions from health care in Canada. PEACH promotes and provides resources on circular economy practices, which involves keeping resources in the cycle of use for as long as possible through reconsidering the purchase (i.e., refusing), redesigning, sharing (reducing), leasing, reusing, repairing, refurbishing, and recycling.
Leadership Learn More
Leadership can create a culture of sustainability and set zero carbon goals for facilities and practices. Sustainable actions, such as financial divestment, EDI initiatives, and forming Green Teams, all require committed leadership to secure long-term change. PEACH provides toolkits and educational resources to health care leaders so that they understand their roles and responsibilities and can make evidence-based decisions.
Deprescribing Learn More
Medications are a major cause of GHGs in health care. The National Health Service in England estimates that medicines and chemicals contribute to 25% of their health system’s climate emissions. A small number of drugs constitute the top contributors to these emissions, with anesthetic gases and inhalers making up 5%. PEACH works with practitioners and facilities in auditing their prescription practices and implementing sustainable prescribing practices.
Advanced Care Planning and End-of-Life Care Learn More
Advanced Care Planning and End-of-Life Care (Pg.6 of Green Office Toolkit): The end-of-life period is associated with an increase in health care costs and resources due to hospitalizations. However, most Canadians would prefer end-of-life care at home, rather than acute care in hospital. A focus on Advanced Care Planning and determining patients end-of-life goals can reduce unwanted hospitalizations in the terminal year by about 17%. Advocating for access to home care as well as increased long-term care and hospice capacity would result in reduced health care emissions and improved quality of life.
Resources for health care leadership, staff, and facility managers
Program Team
Myles Sergeant
Assistant Clinical Professor
Partnerships Lead (PEACH)
Medically Complex Care at HHS/SPH
President of Trees for Hamilton
Mark Cachia
Executive Team Member
PGY-3 Public Health & Preventive Medicine
McMaster University
Areeb Iqbal
Social Media Lead
BCom 2024 candidate
Interdisciplinary Minor in Sustainability
Sujane Kandasamy
MSc, PhD
Knowledge Translation Lead
Postdoctoral Researcher
Brock University/McMaster University
Co-founder & Education Director of Starfish
Linda Varangu
Climate Change Lead
Senior Advisor, Climate Change
Canadian Coalition for Green Health Care
Information Box Group
PEACH Partners
PEACH connects with organizations across Ontario and Canada to identify areas where GHG reduction and cost savings are possible within the health care system. We also provide education on how to integrate sustainable practices into their health care facilities and delivery. We are continuously growing a network of dedicated practitioners and organizations that work together to learn, implement, and create solutions. Below are a sample of our partners:
- The Canadian Coalition of Green Health Care (CCGHC)
- CASCADES: Creating a Sustainable Canadian Health System in a Climate Crisis
- Nourish
- McMaster Post Graduate Medical Education (PGME) Sustainable Health Care
- Hamilton Family Health Team
- Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment (CAPE) Ontario
- Shift: Action for Pension Wealth and Planet Health
- Eckelman MJ, Sherman JD, MacNeill AJ. Life cycle environmental emissions and health damages from the Canadian healthcare system: An economic-environmental-epidemiological analysis. Patz JA, ed. PLoS Med. 2018;15(7):e1002623. doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.1002623
- Pichler PP, Jaccard IS, Weisz U, Weisz H. International comparison of health care carbon footprints. Environ Res Lett. 2019;14(6):064004. doi:10.1088/1748-9326/ab19e1
- Sergeant M, Webster R, Varangu L, et al. Identifying Opportunities for Greenhouse Gas Reductions and Cost Savings in Hospitals: A Knowledge Translation Tree. hcq. 2022;25(3):18-24. doi:10.12927/hcq.2022.26946
Illustration provided by PEACH Health Ontario