Some things to know about being a research participant
All our studies are reviewed and approved by the Hamilton Integrated Research Ethics Board (HiREB). Research ethics boards, like HiREB, are groups of experts that review and approve studies to ensure the studies are ethical and scientifically valid. They help make sure the study is safe and that the time and information you give will be used and protected properly.
Each research study is different, so please be sure you read the information you receive when you join a study. This information will also have the name, phone number and email address of the person to contact with questions.
You can stop being part of a study at any time. Leaving a study will not change any of your regular health care appointments. On your study consent form (which you will have received at the start of the study), there will be information about how to stop being part of the study. Please contact the study if you wish to stop participating.