Information Box Group
Indigenous Teaching Through Art Program
We have offered an experiential learning program that was co-designed and co-delivered by Indigenous and settler faculty members in DFM to all staff and full-time faculty. The program’s purpose is to share knowledge about Indigenous history and experience in Southern Ontario and Canada as one step on the journey of truth and reconciliation.
Creation of Leadership Structure and Roles for Indigenous Health in DFM
Through strengthening relationship between DFM and IHLL, and with leadership from Dr. Karen Hill, we are co-creating terms of reference for an Indigenous Health Committee in DFM, with two key leadership roles to lead Indigenous Health in the department (Indigenous Health Knowledge Carrier and Indigenous Health Steward).
Indigenous-led Culture of Safety Circles in Curriculum
We are offering family medicine residents the opportunity to have a direct experience of the circle process that is a central Indigenous practice, facilitated by Dr. Karen Hill with a focus on cultural safety.
Information Box Group
Indigenous Health Fund
DFM has invested $1,000,000 in an endowment to support Indigenous Health priorities defined and overseen by the DFM Indigenous Health Committee in collaboration with the IHLL. The endowment in perpetuity signals DFM’s unwavering and unchanging commitment to the full journey of reconciliation, and to returning to relationship with Indigenous Peoples in alignment with the Two-Row Wampum. Initial priorities for the fund are:
- integration of Indigenous wisdom and ways into primary care;
- enabling DFM services and programs to fulfill commitment to truth and reconciliation, and to reflect the Two-Row Wampum agreement in words, processes and actions; and
- leadership and support for the emerging role of the Indigenous primary care physician, including sustainability.
Collaboration and Allyship with Indigenous Leaders of Biindigen Well-Being Centre
We are in relationship with leaders of De dwa da dehs nye>s Aboriginal Health Centre (“DAHC”), Niwasa Kendaaswin Teg and Ontario Aboriginal Housing Services to support realization of their vision for transformative Indigenous health and community services. We are also joining with DAHC in co-creating an integrated primary care clinic serving Indigenous People as well as settler members of the surrounding community, and will jointly govern the clinic in accordance with the Two-Row Wampum Agreement and the Dish With One Spoon Wampum Agreement.
Indigenous Health Learning Lodge Learn More
The Indigenous Health Learning Lodge (IHLL) works alongside the Faculty of Health Sciences towards creating a learning environment that is culturally safe – working with humility to enable sustainable systems of change and to advance the work around the concepts of truth, reconciliation, and anti-colonization embracing all aspects of Indigenous health and well-being.